Monday 8 February 2016

Prevent Age related macular Degeneration and protect your memories

Our life is a series of memories and experiences. There are various forms of ways to store memories. In Harry Potter, the characters play a game called Quidditch. This game is played on magical flying brooms between two teams and the game will only end when one of the team manages to catch the Golden Snitch. As most fans of this magical series will remember, this Golden Snitch had flesh memories. Which means it remembered the first hand that touched it. The purpose for this was to make it easier to find out which team caught the Snitch first. Magic and magical games aside let’s focus on reality and humans. Humans are slightly more complex.

We are capable of having flesh memories, visual memories, audial memories, taste memories, and memories related to smell. In short, the memories we form are based on our five sense – sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. A single touch, or a song, a smell, taste or sound is enough to send us down memory lane. The sight of cotton candy may bring to your mind your childhood memories of playing on the beach. Or maybe a song will bring back memories of a past love. There are many triggers that can make a human being remember his past experiences. Bu none are more strong than sight. For a normal person, the strongest memories are associated with sight which is further accompanied with any of the other senses.

For a person diagnosed with Age Related Macular Degeneration or ARMD, his memories will lack visual pleasure or satisfaction. A person develops ARMD as he ages which means that he will not have any visual memory after the age of 55. And if he leaves his condition unchecked, he will eventually lose his sight. This is incredibly sad. Sadder still, when you realise that ARMD can be prevented. This sounds incredible, but it is true. Advances in science and medicine has brought us now to the day when we can actively prevent vision loss due to ARMD and in some cases, we can also reverse vision loss even if the condition is in an advanced stage.

Early detection is the only way to protect your eyes from ARMD and ensure that you continue to make more memories. It is known that ARMD is a genetic condition. So if either your mother or father has ARMD, it is very likely that you are at risk of developing the condition as well. Even if you are unsure of your parents’ condition, it is best to test yourself to rule out this condition. If your doctor detects probabilities of Age Related Macular Degeneration, he can prescribe you to take high dosages of vitamin supplements which will ensure that the condition is halted and you can also prevent vision loss. Additionally, you will need to make certain lifestyle changes to care for your health which eventually will help you care for your eyes. These changes include eating healthy, giving up smoking (if you smoke), maintain a healthy weight, and overall taking care of your health and wellbeing.

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